Learn more about our current drought, its historic and scientific context, the impact on our environment, and how state and federal policymakers are handling the situation.

Drought History

Humboldt Precipitation

Graphic reprinted from the North Coast Journal

 California Drought: 17 Communities Could Run Out of Water Within 60 to 120 Days, State Says

Paul Rogers, San Jose Mercury News – January 28, 2014

California Drought a Big Deal, but Misconceptions Abound

Chris Clarke, Slow Water Movement – January 23, 2014

What Californians Can Expect from the Drought

Peter Gleick, Science Blogs – January 16, 2014


Climate Science

Hundred Years of Dry: How California’s Drought Could Get Much, Much Worse

Bryan Walsh, Time Magazine – January 23, 2014

 Ridiculously Resilient Ridge Continues to Shatter Records, but Pattern Shift May be Approaching

Daniel Swain, Weather West; California Weather Blog – January 26, 2014

 Why State’s Water Woes Could be Just Beginning

Steve Hockensmith, UC Berkeley News Center – January 21, 2014


Environmental Issues

Exceptional Dryness Brings the Hazy Days of Winter

Tony Barboza, Los Angeles Times – January 19, 2014

Key Enviro Law Suspended in California Under Drought Emergency

John Upton, Grist Magazine – January 23, 2014

 Environmentalists Urge Protection of Salmon During Drought

The Record – January, 28 2014

 Big Dam Turnaround

Virginia Gewin, Ensia Magazine – January 27, 2014


California Politics

 Senator Tom Berryhill: Drought Shows Need for More Water Storage

Senator Tom Berryhill, The Fresno Bee – January 16, 2014

Drought Offers an Opportunity to Consider Water Policy

George Skelton, Los Angeles Times – January 19, 2014

 Despite California Drought, Chances for Water Bond are Evaporating

Paul Rogers and Jessica Calefati, San Jose Mercury News – January 10, 2014

 Dan Walters: Jerry Brown Assumes Political Ownership of Drought

Dan Walters, The Sacramento Bee – January 22, 2014


Federal Politics

 GOP Drought Bill: Boost Delta Pumping, Stop San Joaquin River Restoration

John Ellis, The Fresno Bee – January 21, 2014

As California Drought Continues, Feds Could Seize Water

Michael Doyle and Mark Grossi, McClatchy Washington Bureau – January 27, 2014

 Politics Leaks into Effort to Help with California Drought

Michael Doyle, McClatchy Washington Bureau – January 28, 2014