Railroad Article Archive

Questions and Answers about the NCRA
By former NCRA commissioner Bernie Meyers


Consultant in NCRA Rail Takeover Bid Says Project Has Been Misrepresented, But Document Reveals Coal Connections and Wiyot Tribe Involvement
Lost Coast Outpost, September 28, 2021

Utah port Authority Memos Reveal Coal Industry Ties to Coal Train Specter
Salt Lake Tribune, September 25, 2021

Is Coal Industry Behind Secretive Plan to Preserve a Defunct California Railroad
Salt Lake Tribune, September 9, 2021

Aiming to Ship Coal Out of Humboldt Bay, Shadowy Corporation Makes Bid to Take Over NCRA Line
Lost Coast Outpost, September 2, 2021


U.S. Supreme Court Roundfiles NCRA’s Appeal, McGuire Bill to Dismantle Agency Progresses Through Legislature

Friends of the Eel River Cautiously Optimistic About Great Redwood Trail Act

It’s Official: Senator Mike McGuire Introduces ‘Great Redwood Trail Act’

All the Fight Has Gone Out of the North Coast Railroad Authority

END OF THE LINE? State Senator Mike McGuire Drafting Legislation to Dissolve NCRA, Form ‘Great Redwood Trail Agency’ to Manage Humboldt, Mendocino Assets

North Coast Rail Agency Faulted by State Commission for Vague Financial Plan

The NCRA’s ‘Plan’: A Grifter’s Pitch for Suckers

Under Pressure from State Regulators, North Coast Railroad Authority Signals That It’s Willing to Railbank its Tracks Through the Eel River Canyon – For a Price


Citing ‘Uncertain Future’, California Transportation Commission Calls for Special Committee to Hash Out What to Do With the NCRA

North Coast Railroad Authority Seeks Permission to Ignore State Law from the Supreme Court of the United States

Government Railroad Agency Says It’s Still Looking to Bring Trains Back to Humboldt County, Even as its Finances and Fortunes Spiral Downward

State Transportation Commission Raises Eyebrow at North Coast Railroad Authority Finances, Asks the Perennially Beleaguered Agency to Prepare “Shutdown Plan”

Hazardous Tankers Here to Stay


SMART Prevents More Deliveries of Gas-Filled Cars to Schellville

Officials Raise Alarm Over 2.4 Million Gallons of Flammable Gas Parked in Rail Cars South of Sonoma


Farm Bureaus Jump into Supreme Court High-Speed Rail Case

State Owned NCRA Asserts its Right to Ignore State Law

Rail Case Heading for State Supreme Court


NCRA Directory Gives Agency a Withering Indictment on his Way Out the Door

Bernie Meyer’s Farewell Report

Highspeed Rail Agency Says Federal Law Trumps State Environmental Rules

The Disappearing Railroad Blues

Off The Tracks

North Coast Railroad Authority Goes Rogue

CEQA Key to Holding Railroad Authority Accountable


North Coast Railroad Director: Lets Stop Throwing Money Down a Black Hole

Why NCRA Needs Help With Lease Negotiations


North Coast Railroad Authority: ‘We Dont Have To Follow Your Laws’


Toxic Cleanup Must Come Before Freight


Railroad Proposals Under Scrutiny


Freight Trains Raise Ruckus in Novato

The Railroad Dilemma


Train Whistling in the Wind