You may have seen the news that PG&E released their draft license surrender application on Friday, January 31. This is the latest step in the long process of evaluating the best options for Eel River dam removal. Following the release of this draft, PG&E will...
Have you or someone you known been around Humboldt County since the 1970s? If so, perhaps you can help protect public access to the Van Duzen river and the future Carlotta Spur of the Great Redwood Trail. The Great Redwood Trail Friends coalition is currently...
Background Friends of the Eel River, along with our allies in the Great Redwood Trail Friends coalition are still pursuing protections for public access to both the future Great Redwood Trail and the Van Duzen River at Fisher Road off of hwy 36. This long-established...
PG&E has released their initial draft decommissioning plan for the Potter Valley Project. The plan calls for removal of both Scott and Cape Horn Dams, and provides a few options for consideration by stakeholders. This initial draft does not include environmental...
Background You may remember from the announcement last fall, or have read in the news, that PG&E has requested authorization from both the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to transfer all of their...
Background Fisher Road has been used by the fishing community for nearly 100 years to access the Van Duzen River, a major tributary to the Eel. Last fall the southernmost property owners on the road asked Humboldt County to “vacate” the road, aka remove...