Action Alert: Ask Governor Jerry Brown to Support The Great Redwood Trail Act

Tell Gov. Brown the North Coast Needs the Great Redwood Trail For decades now, the North Coast Railroad Authority (NCRA) has failed both to restore rail service the North Coast evidently doesn’t need and to protect the Eel River and its fisheries from the impacts of the failed rail line through the fragile Eel River … Read more

Tribes, Conservationists Demand Tougher Cannabis Regulations

PRESS RELEASE Karuk Tribe • Yurok Tribe TRIBES, CONSERVATIONISTS DEMAND TOUGHER CANNABIS REGULATIONS Excessive Number of Cannabis Operations Threatens Humboldt’s Fish, Wildlife, and Water Quality Eureka, Calif. – Representatives from the Karuk Tribe, Yurok Tribe, and Friends of the Eel River will attend the next Humboldt County Supervisors’ meeting to demand stronger cannabis regulations to protect Humboldt’s … Read more

Action Alert: Demand Effective Regulation for Commercial Cannabis Cultivation

Talking points and background – Humboldt County cannabis cultivation ordinance To protect the North Coast’s waters and fish, we need to raise our voices to demand Humboldt County effectively regulate its cannabis industry. Please join us on Monday, March 19 at 9:00 am at the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors meeting (825 5th Street, Supervisors … Read more

Action Alert: Comment on Humboldt County’s Commercial Cannabis DEIR

Humboldt County’s Cannabis Cultivation Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) is now available for review. Friends of the Eel River believe that the DEIR does not adequately address cumulative impacts from the thousands of cannabis cultivation sites currently in existence. Take action today to demand effective regulations that protect our watershed! The county has failed to … Read more

Action Alert: Oppose H.R. 23 “Gaining Responsibility on Water” Act

After passing the House last week, H.R. 23, San Joaquin Valley Republican David Valadao’s “Gaining Responsibility on Water” Act was received by the Senate this week. This bill would prevent California from managing its own rivers, fisheries, and public trust resources – even going so far as to specifically prohibit the application of the Endangered … Read more

Action Alert: Submit Scoping Comments on Eel River Dams to FERC

We need your help. The dams on the Eel River, known as the Potter Valley Project, have just begun the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) relicensing process. This is our opportunity to call for their decommissioning and removal. The dams are licensed as a hydroelectric project with the capacity to generate 9.4 megawatts, a measly … Read more

Action Alert: Wild & Scenic River Protection

Please Urge Assemblymember Wood To Support Improved Wild & Scenic River Protection Ask Him To Vote “Yes” On AB 975 (Friedman) AB 975 modifies California’s Wild & Scenic River protections to meet Federal standards by expanding the area of state protection beyond the edge of the river to ¼ mile on each side of the river … Read more

Action Alert: Eel River Valley Groundwater Sustainability Plan

Humboldt County submitted an analysis of conditions in the lower Eel River groundwater basin claiming the basin has operated within sustainable yield for the past 10 years, and that it is unnecessary to adopt a groundwater sustainability plan. Given what we have seen on the river, we do not agree. In August 2014, the lower … Read more

Action Alert: Doubling Down on the Broken Promise of Fish Hatcheries

NOAA Fisheries’ absurd proposal to list 23 hatchery salmon and steelhead populations under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). You have to hand it to them. It was a wildly creative and successful bait and switch—perhaps the biggest con ever played on the once wild west. The terms were simple. The public would okay the construction … Read more