Action Alert: Submit Comments on Scoping Document 3

Hi Friends,  Here’s another chance to make your voice heard and help us elevate critical issues related to Eel River dam removal. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) just issued Scoping Document 3, a first step toward preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement which will evaluate a potential license based on the Feasibility Study Report … Read more

Action Alert: Submit Comments on Feasibility Study Report Filing to FERC

We’d really appreciate your help with a little project we’ve been working on: SCOTT DAM REMOVAL!!! As Friends of the Eel River has been arguing for decades, removal of Scott Dam is the most important thing we can do to give imperiled Eel River salmon and steelhead — especially critically endangered summer steelhead — the … Read more

Comment on Humboldt Wind Energy Project DEIR by June 14th

The energy company Terra-Gen (DBA Humboldt Wind LLC) is proposing a wind energy development on Bear and Monument ridges in the Eel River watershed near the towns of Scotia and Rio Dell. The Humboldt Wind Energy Project would include approximately 60 600 foot tall towers, 17 miles of new road, support facilities, and a 30+ … Read more

Action Alert: Ask Governor Jerry Brown to Support The Great Redwood Trail Act

Tell Gov. Brown the North Coast Needs the Great Redwood Trail For decades now, the North Coast Railroad Authority (NCRA) has failed both to restore rail service the North Coast evidently doesn’t need and to protect the Eel River and its fisheries from the impacts of the failed rail line through the fragile Eel River … Read more

Action Alert: Eel River Valley Groundwater Sustainability Plan

Humboldt County submitted an analysis of conditions in the lower Eel River groundwater basin claiming the basin has operated within sustainable yield for the past 10 years, and that it is unnecessary to adopt a groundwater sustainability plan. Given what we have seen on the river, we do not agree. In August 2014, the lower … Read more

Take Action to Protect Eel River Flows

Potter Valley Project Diversion Tunnel

We need your help. Under orders from the State Water Board and federal fisheries managers, the Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA) is rewriting the rules that govern stream flows in the Russian River watershed. (Click here to learn more about the Fish Flows Project DEIR) This is important to Friends of the Eel River because … Read more

Oppose Bad Hydropower Legislation – Say No to H.R. 8

H.R. 8, the North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act of 2015, includes an alarming amendment that would allow hydropower operators to bypass environmental laws like the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act, and could limit the powers of states, tribes, and natural resource agencies.

Friends of the Eel River looking for salmon run spotters

The Times-Standard Posted: 10/14/2011 01:59:33 AM PDT Friends of the Eel River is asking local residents to watch for and report sightings of Chinook salmon migrating up the Eel River and its tributaries, according to a press release sent out Thursday. The nonprofit advocacy organization will use “fish watcher” reports to build a more detailed … Read more