Mendocino Co. Supervisors OK Letter in Support of PV Diversion – FOER Responds

Read article on Ukiah Daily Journal website Read David Keller’s comment By JUSTINE FREDERIKSEN Ukiah Daily Journal Updated:   05/07/2014 08:35:04 AM PDT The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors Tuesday approved sending a letter to the federal agency that denied a request last month to briefly funnel more water through the Potter Valley Project to assist the … Read more

Illegal Pumping Leads to Marijuana Bust – But Is It Too Late for the Fish?

…what often occurs is that as one pool is drained, the intake and sometimes the pump is moved to another pool—repeatedly sucking away entire fish habitats. As the water disappears, predators move in. Egrets, blue herons and raccoons will eat every single fish. Sometimes the person pumping doesn’t adequately screen the intake valve and small creatures … Read more

Tunnel Vision Part Two: Rivers in Peril

How Jerry Brown’s plan to build two giant water tunnels, along with legislation in Congress, could ultimately spoil the last of Northern California’s wild and scenic rivers. …the big water prize in California is the major rivers on the North Coast – including the Eel, the Smith, and the Trinity – that are protected by … Read more

Tunnel Vision Part One: Delta in Peril

How Jerry Brown’s plan to build two giant water tunnels could devastate the largest estuary on the West Coast. Nearly everyone in California drinks freshwater from distant rivers or streams. The East Bay taps the Mokelumne River in the Sierra foothills; San Francisco pumps its water out of the Tuolumne River in Yosemite National Park; … Read more