Protecting Instream Flows in the Eel River

Redwood Creek

We recently submitted a letter to Chuck Bonham, the director of California’s Department of Fish and Wildlife, requesting that his agency provide overdue stream flow studies and minimum flow recommendations to the State Water Resources Control Board. The State Water Board is in turn responsible for managing instream flows and rights to divert water. Maintaining … Read more

Coho vs. Pinot

In July, roughly 1,000 rural Sonoma County residents overflowed classrooms and small meeting chambers at five informational sessions convened by the State Water Resources Control Board. It would be hard to exaggerate many attendees’ outrage. At one meeting, two men got in a fistfight over whether to be “respectful” to the state and federal officials … Read more

California Takes New Approach on Water Regulation for Pot Farms

“The coho salmon (populations) have been pushed to the brink by logging,” Greacen said. “But they’re being pushed over the brink by weed.” The California Department of Fish and Wildlife helicopter circled over steep timberland in Humboldt County’s coastal mountains, prowling for potential water diversions and environmental damage caused by what is arguably the state’s … Read more

Right vs. Reason in Severe Drought Conditions

By: Scott Greacen Originally published by Econews, August 2014 Responding to one of the most severe and persistent droughts in the history of California, state agencies are now moving to shut down water diversions that harm fisheries and wildlife, using a mixture of unusual and unprecedented measures. The State Water Board is issuing “curtailment notices” … Read more

Marijuana's Thirst Depleting North Coast Watersheds

…with logging activity on the decline across much of the region and a thriving black market for pot — plus state-sanctioned recreational marijuana sales in Washington and Colorado — the spread of cannabis cultivation is now seen by many environmentalists and government scientists as the greatest threat to forests and streams damaged by decades of … Read more

Comments to DFW & NMFS re: Urgent Request for Release of Water to Eel River

SHUTE  MIHALY & WEINBERGER LLP 396 HAYES STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102 T: 415 55 2-7272    F: 415 55 2-5816 www.smwl AMY J. BRICKER Attorney   October 26, 2011 Via U.S. Mail and Electronic Mail Chuck Bonham, Director California Department of Fish and Game 1416 Ninth Street, 12th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 via email … Read more