Low Flows in the Eel River Require Action to Protect Public Trust Values

Flows in the mainstem Eel River are at historically low levels. In fact flows are lower now than they were in 2014 when the river disconnected in the fall and left migrating Chinook suffering from elevated levels of disease. This is why we asked the Humboldt County Supervisors this week to take immediate action and … Read more

Reflections on 2019 and Looking Forward

FOER Board and Staff 2020

Hi Friends, We are so thankful for all the generous support from our end of year fundraising campaign. Support from our community is crucial to continuing our important work protecting the Eel River and its fisheries. Our board and staff started off the new year with an exciting strategic planning session down in Willits along … Read more

In Landmark Decision California Court Finds Public Trust Doctrine Applies to Groundwater

“It feels like law has yet to absorb the lessons of science.” Friends of the Eel River’s Conservation Director Scott Greacen is joined by Glen Spain from Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations for a discussion about one of the most consequential public trust decisions in California law in decades. The public trust doctrine stems from ancient roman … Read more

Thanks for Commenting on Groundwater Sustainability!

The Department of Water Resources received more comments for Humboldt County’s Groundwater Alternative Plan than any other alternative plan submitted in the state. Thank you for participating in our action alert and helping us push for truly sustainable management of the lower Eel River’s groundwater basin. We will keep you updated as this issue progresses. … Read more

Comments to California Department of Water Resources on Eel River Valley Groundwater Sustainability

Click here to read our full comments to the California Department of Water Resources on Humboldt County’s Groundwater Sustainability Plan Alternative. The excerpt below outlines one example of an adverse impact on the river resulting from unsustainable groundwater use. Strangely enough, after a series of historically dry, hot years, in the last weeks of August … Read more

Action Alert: Eel River Valley Groundwater Sustainability Plan

Humboldt County submitted an analysis of conditions in the lower Eel River groundwater basin claiming the basin has operated within sustainable yield for the past 10 years, and that it is unnecessary to adopt a groundwater sustainability plan. Given what we have seen on the river, we do not agree. In August 2014, the lower … Read more

Is the Drought Over? Wrong Question!

Eel River, high turbidity

Ultimately, “Is the drought over?” is the wrong question. We should ask, “Are we managing water in a sustainable manner for the long haul”? The answer to that is still “no.” Given the massive series of storms bringing rain and snow to California over the past month, people are asking, “Is the California drought finally … Read more

California Case Could Set National Precedent on Indian Water Rights

IN PALM SPRINGS, one of the hottest regions in California, precious groundwater has been depleted for decades to build lush golf courses, swimming pools and tract homes. Now the local American Indian tribe is pressing for a right to help manage that water. The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, which owns two casinos in the … Read more

Breaking Western Water Taboos

By Peter Gleick The recent severe drought in the Western United States — and California in particular — has shined a spotlight on a range of water-management practices that are outdated, unsustainable, or inappropriate for a modern 21st century water system. Unless these bad practices are fixed, no amount of rain will be enough to … Read more

California Has About One Year of Water Left. Will You Ration Now?

Op-Ed published in LA Times March 12, 2015 By: Jay Famiglietti Given the historic low temperatures and snowfalls that pummeled the eastern U.S. this winter, it might be easy to overlook how devastating California’s winter was as well. As our “wet” season draws to a close, it is clear that the paltry rain and snowfall … Read more