Coal Train Update

In the last month, there’s been a flurry of activity from the federal Surface Transportation Board, entities seeking to take the Northwest Pacific Rail right-of-way from the public, and those of us seeking to protect our region from the threat of coal trains and support the Great Redwood Trail. You may have seen the news that … Read more

Friends of the Eel River Applauds SB 307

In September, Senator McGuire introduced SB 307 to address the threat of outside interests seeking to haul coal through the Eel River Canyon by utilizing the NCRA rail right-of-way. This bill clearly asserts that state money shall not be used to “initiate, improve, or operate” rail service on the unviable North Coast rail line north … Read more

FOER Letter to DOT Regarding Mendocino Railway RRIF Loan Application

Wednesday, November 17, 2021 The Honorable Carlos Monje Undersecretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, D.C. 20590 Re: Mendocino Railway RRIF loan application Dear Under Secretary Monje, Friends of the Eel River (FOER) advocates for the protection and restoration of Northwestern California’s Eel River watershed and its critical but imperiled fisheries. … Read more

No Coal In Humboldt

By now, news of the impending threat of coal trains coming to town has spread far and wide. Municipalities from Sonoma to Humboldt have passed resolutions opposing the storage, transportation, and/or export of coal through their communities. Senator Mike McGuire introduced legislation, SB 307, to help stop the proposal by prohibiting state funding to improve … Read more

KMUD Monday Morning Magazine 10.18.2021

Alicia chats with KMUD about the battle to fight the potential coal train during the Monday Morning Magazine. Learn about local and regional efforts to protect public health and safety, and the complex issues surrounding efforts to use the old defunct line for anything other than rail. Related Links: Action Alert: Say NO to Coal! EcoNews … Read more

Action Alert: Ask Humboldt County to say NO to Coal!

The Humboldt County Supervisors will be considering a resolution opposing the storage and handling of coal at their meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, October 5th, 2021. Please join us in supporting their resolution and encouraging them to show support for the Great Redwood Trail by coordinating with the North Coast Railroad Authority to support railbanking. Instructions for … Read more

Say NO to Coal!

Abandoned rail cars along the Eel River

Hi Friends, Coal interests are moving to seize the North Coast Railroad Authority’s rail line in a scheme to ship coal to Asia out of Humboldt Bay. Such an operation would present profound threats to public health and to North Coast ecosystems, especially Humboldt Bay and the Eel River. Nor can the Earth’s atmosphere absorb … Read more

Dirty Coal Coming to Town?!

 A shadowy shell corporation is threatening our future with an apparent proposal to purchase the Northwestern Pacific rail line, kill the dream of the Great Redwood Trail, and ultimately export coal to Asia from Humboldt Bay. Tune in to hear your friends from Friends of the Eel River, Humboldt Baykeeper, and EPIC discuss the … Read more

FOER Supports Proposed Railbanking of NCRA’s Line from Willits North

The North Coast Railroad Authority (NCRA) has submitted reports to the Surface Transportation Board in support of its proposed railbanking of the Northwestern Pacific Rail line from Willits north to Eureka. This includes branches of the line in Samoa, Korblex, Carlotta, and Blue Lake. Friends of the Eel River submitted comments to the Surface Transportation … Read more

Assessment of Great Redwood Trail Viability Published!

An old wooden rail structure crosses over a winding stream and cuts into a green hill full of trees.

Last month the State published their Assessment of the North Coast Railroad Authority and Viability of the Great Redwood Trail. This hundred-page legislative report was developed by a multi-agency task force including representatives from CalTrans, State Parks, the Natural Resources Agency, Department of Finance, and Department of General Services. This report contains no big surprises, … Read more