Trespass Cannabis Grows Polluting Surface Waters?

Trespass cannabis grows, those rogue operations of pot production on public land, often employ chemicals banned for sale in the United States. Past research has demonstrated that these chemicals have poisoned rare and endangered species like the Pacific fisher, Humboldt marten, and northern spotted owl. But what are they doing to our aquatic environment? Dr. … Read more

Say NO to Coal!

Abandoned rail cars along the Eel River

Hi Friends, Coal interests are moving to seize the North Coast Railroad Authority’s rail line in a scheme to ship coal to Asia out of Humboldt Bay. Such an operation would present profound threats to public health and to North Coast ecosystems, especially Humboldt Bay and the Eel River. Nor can the Earth’s atmosphere absorb … Read more

Humboldt County Board of Supervisors approves Cannabis Mitigation and Remediation Program

Cannabis growing in Humboldt County

For immediate release Tuesday, August 17, 2021 For more information: Alicia Hamann, Executive Director, alicia(at) Grant Funds Now Available through Humboldt County Cannabis Mitigation Program Friends of the Eel River (FOER) are pleased the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors has approved the Cannabis Mitigation and Remediation Grant Program. This program to fund sediment reduction projects … Read more

Illegal Marijuana Grow Sites: A Stain on Public Lands

At first glance, California’s 45 million acres of public lands seem like havens for recreation and wildlife. But off the beaten path, away from the maintained trails and people, there is a different story. Some of these secluded areas are being overrun with illegal marijuana growing operations, resulting in degraded habitat and toxic trash that leads … Read more

Ocean Acidity Increasing Along Pacific Coast, Study Finds

The results of a study along the west coast of North America shows acidified ocean water is widespread along the shoreline and is having devastating impacts on coastal species. The three-year study of ocean currents was conducted along the California and Oregon coasts by researchers from Oregon State University. Team member and marine ecologist Francis Chan said they … Read more

Backcountry Drug War

In the Golden State, dangerous drug cartels are growing pot on public lands—putting wildlife, water supplies, and outdoor enthusiasts at grave risk. Read the original article here and enjoy the spectacular photographs. In the gray half-light of dawn, eight figures creep through the dry pine forest near Quincy, California. Seven of them wear camo uniforms … Read more

California’s Blue Resistance: Enforcing Water Laws in the Trump Era

California is pledging to defend its actions to tackle climate change and fund clean energy. But it should also be positioning itself as a leader on clean water, writes Sara Aminzadeh of California Coastkeeper Alliance. OUR NEW PRESIDENT said he was “committed to eliminating harmful and unnecessary policies” such as the Climate Action Plan and the … Read more

Shot Up and Shut Down

It’s a rare warm day in late February, a full month before spring is officially declared, and the pastures are yellow with mustard blossoms, and the Eel River is surging beneath the concrete arches of Fernbridge

Increasing Toxicity of Algal Blooms Tied to Nutrient Enrichment and Climate Change

There are more than 123,000 lakes greater than 10 acres in size spread across the United States, and based on the last EPA National Lakes Assessment, at least one-third may contain toxin-producing cyanobacteria. Dams; rising temperatures and carbon dioxide concentrations; droughts; and increased runoff of nutrients from urban and agricultural lands are all compounding the … Read more