Flow Enhancement Projects on the South Fork Eel

 How do you improve the flow of a river? Just ask our friends at Salmonid Restoration Federation. On this week’s episode of the EcoNews Report host Alicia Hamann of Friends of the Eel River is joined by Dana Stolzman and Katrina Nystrom from Salmonid Restoration Federation, and Joel Monschke from Stillwater Sciences, for a … Read more

Ocean Ranch Restoration Project

Recently we toured the Ocean Ranch Restoration Project in the Eel River Wildlife Area. The Eel River Wildlife Area is a 2,600-acre complex in the Eel River estuary and is ancestral land of the Wiyot people. It contains salt marsh, pasture, wet meadow, brackish marsh, coastal scrub, and dunes. The land was managed by the … Read more

FOER comments Marshall Ranch Streamflow Project

Humboldt County Planning Department 3015 H Street Eureka, CA 95501 Submitted via email to planningclerk@co.humboldt.ca.us Re: Friends of the Eel River Comments on Proposed Marshall Ranch Streamflow Enhancement Project Dear Planning Commissioners: Friends of the Eel River advocates for the protection and recovery of native fisheries in the Eel River watershed. Redwood Creek is one … Read more

Out of the Smoke, A Restorative Vision for the Upper Eel River

Restorative Vision for the Upper Eel River

FOER staff and Board spent a weekend in the Upper Eel river watershed in late November. Amidst the lingering smoke of the tragic Camp Fire that destroyed the town of Paradise, we took stock of the impacts of the Mendocino Complex Fire, the largest in California’s history, that burned through the upper Eel only a … Read more

Dry Creek Rancheria seeks to restore Russian River tributary for fish, water supply

Tucked away among rolling green hills off the road leading up to the River Rock Casino near Geyserville, a once-beleaguered creek is springing back to life. Situated at the bottom of a slope ravaged by a landslide in the 1980s, part of the creek bed and its immediate surroundings were for years covered with asphalt … Read more

Dam Remediation Spells Victory for Russian River Salmon

New fish passage opens 11.2 miles of prime habitat for endangered salmon that had been blocked for decades. Salmon conservation achieved a major victory this October as construction finished on a fish passage and stream restoration project in Mill Creek, California. After California Sea Grant identified that a flashboard dam was stopping endangered coho salmon … Read more

Working with Beaver to Restore Salmon Habitat

With funding provided by the Bonneville Power Administration (Project 2003-017) and by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC) conducted a study in Bridge Creek, Oregon which exemplified the positive impact that stable beaver colonies can have on a river ecosystem, specifically their impact on habitat for steelhead. From their study: … Read more

NOAA Fisheries Announces Funding for Habitat Restoration; Benbow Dam to be Removed

Benbow Dam ($205,500): This project, in partnership with the California Department of Parks and Recreation, will ultimately open more than 100 miles of the South Fork Eel River for fish passage when completed. Removal of the Benbow Dam will benefit threatened populations of coho and Chinook salmon and steelhead. Read the full article here