Dam Safety Series: Aging Structure

Dams and the Consequences of Time  Dam safety concerns of Scott Dam’s aging structure This year Scott Dam turned 100 years old, and as is the case with any century-old infrastructure, there are some concerns about its safety. Cape Horn Dam, 12 miles downstream, is 114 years old. Both were designed during a time when … Read more

Eel River Wins Before FERC

In a setback to the Two Basin Partnership — which sought to gain control over the two fish-blocking dams on the Eel River — FERC denied a request for a delay by the coalition, damaging their chances at gaining control (and forestalling decommissioning of the dams). Friends of the Eel River think that this is … Read more

Friends of the Eel River comments on FERC Office of Public Participation

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) asked for our input on development of their new Office of Public Participation, so of course we didn’t hold back. Engaging with FERC and extracting the information necessary to advocate for river protection in an informed manner has always been an onerous task. We hope that FERC takes our … Read more

FOER Comments on Initial Study Report; Study Plan Disagreements and Requests for Amendments

Friends of the Eel River’s comments to FERC on the Initial Study Report filed by the coalition of five entities known variously as the Two Basin Partners, the Notice of Intent (NOI) group, or the Planning Agreement Group (PAG). Dear Secretary Bose and FERC staff: On behalf of our members, staff, and board, Friends of the … Read more

Action Alert: Submit Comments on Feasibility Study Report Filing to FERC

We’d really appreciate your help with a little project we’ve been working on: SCOTT DAM REMOVAL!!! As Friends of the Eel River has been arguing for decades, removal of Scott Dam is the most important thing we can do to give imperiled Eel River salmon and steelhead — especially critically endangered summer steelhead — the … Read more

Ecology and Distribution of Steelhead in the Eel River

An incredibly important paper by Friends of the Eel River’s long-time colleague Samantha Kannry and others has just been released. On the ecology and distribution of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in California’s Eel River is now available. Sam’s research has been critical to understanding where summer steelhead populations exist in the Eel River, and informing our … Read more