Protecting Instream Flows in the Eel River

Redwood Creek

We recently submitted a letter to Chuck Bonham, the director of California’s Department of Fish and Wildlife, requesting that his agency provide overdue stream flow studies and minimum flow recommendations to the State Water Resources Control Board. The State Water Board is in turn responsible for managing instream flows and rights to divert water. Maintaining … Read more

Volunteers Needed for “Love Your River” Cleanup on February 17

Eel River Cleanup Project and Friends of the Eel River are collaborating on a “Love Your River” cleanup event on Saturday February 17 from 11am – 2pm. Heading north on Redwood Drive from Garberville, park at the first turnout on your left after crossing hwy 101. **Heavy rain cancels this event – check out our … Read more

Flow Enhancement Projects on the South Fork Eel

 How do you improve the flow of a river? Just ask our friends at Salmonid Restoration Federation. On this week’s episode of the EcoNews Report host Alicia Hamann of Friends of the Eel River is joined by Dana Stolzman and Katrina Nystrom from Salmonid Restoration Federation, and Joel Monschke from Stillwater Sciences, for a … Read more

FOER comments Marshall Ranch Streamflow Project

Humboldt County Planning Department 3015 H Street Eureka, CA 95501 Submitted via email to Re: Friends of the Eel River Comments on Proposed Marshall Ranch Streamflow Enhancement Project Dear Planning Commissioners: Friends of the Eel River advocates for the protection and recovery of native fisheries in the Eel River watershed. Redwood Creek is one … Read more

Friends of the Eel River, Humboldt County Agree to Road Fixes to Protect Fisheries and Restore Watersheds

(Eureka, CA) Friends of the Eel River and the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors have reached a legal settlement to fund culvert replacements and road repairs in two Southern Humboldt watersheds critical to salmon and steelhead through 2023. The agreement ends a lawsuit brought by Friends of the Eel River. The environmental group has argued … Read more

The Secret Life of a Raindrop

According to a widely held belief, you can’t squeeze water from a rock. But researchers from UC Berkeley who are trying to better understand where water is stored in nature are challenging that old adage. By Amy Miller November 10, 2015 After nearly ten years of studying a steep, 20-square-mile area near the South Fork Eel … Read more

Coho Recovery Plan Addresses Marijuana-Related Impacts

A long-anticipated federal recovery plan for coho salmon in northwestern California and southwestern Oregon[1] was released in its final form this September. The plan says the continuing decline of the South Fork Eel River’s population of coho must be reversed, and the watershed’s runs recovered, to meet the Endangered Species Act’s  goal of protecting the … Read more