Damning California's Future

Hoping to capitalize on the epic drought, the state’s water industry wants to usher in a new era of dam-building in the state. But environmentalists say it would cost billions and do more harm than good. By Will Parrish On the edge of the Yolla Bolly Wilderness,...

California's North Coast Water Relics

By: Will Parrish October 15, 2014 In roughly three weeks, the relatively slim percentage of Californians who vote in the Nov. 2014 election will decide on a politically contentious (is there any other kind of water politics in California?) $7.5 billion state general...

The Real Frost Protection Conspiracy

 by Will Parrish on Sep 28th, 2011            The Anderson Valley Advertiser The primary mandate of the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), a division of the California Environmental Protection Agency, is to ensure adequate water for California’s...

Invitation: Water Wars in Mendo and the North Coast

The Great Thirst: Water Wars in Mendo and the North Coast Thursday, September 29 The Spring House 304 Spring St., Ukiah Join local journalist Will Parrish as he leads a discussion on water woes in Mendocino County and the greater California North Coast, from the wine...

How Wine Rules

by Darwin Bond-Graham and Will Parrish on Jul 27th, 2011 If you’ve followed the Anderson Valley Advertiser for any length of time, you’re no doubt aware that the wine industry wields inordinate political power, not only here on the North Coast, but at the state-wide...