Dam Removal Resources


This film released in 2014 with support from Patagonia makes an excellent case in support of dam removal. Friends of the Eel River highly recommends DamNation as an educational and inspirational resource.



The Hydropower Reform Coalition has great resources on hydropower, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and the effects of dams on river systems.

Articles on Dam Removal

Click here to read articles on our website related to dam removal

Why We Remove Dams, examples of how dams can harm rivers.

Dam Effects, an interactive site showing how dams effect rivers.

Exploring Dam Removal; A Decision-Making Guide

USGS Dam Removal Information Portal (DRIP)

What is FERC?

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), is an independent agency within the US Department of Energy. The agency consists of five Commissioners who are nominated by the President and approved by the Senate to serve five-year terms. FERC is responsible for regulating the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil. FERC also reviews proposals to build liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals and interstate natural gas pipelines as well as licensing hydropower projects. FERC’s authority to license hydropower projects is balanced by state and federal agencies’ authority to recommend environmental conditions.

Hydropower licenses issued by FERC last for 50 years, which is why it is so important that interested parties engage with the licensing process and voice any concerns during these once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.

You can subscribe to FERC’s eLibrary to receive email notifications when documents pertaining to the Potter Valley Project are posted. Follow the on screen instructions to register and use docket #P-77.

Additional resources:

Hydropower Licensing – Get Involved: A Guide for the Public

Department of Water Resources California Data Exchange Center PVP data set

FOER Comments on Potter Valley Project

FOER Comments on FERC Office of Public Participation
April 22, 2021

FOER Challenges FERC for Violations of the Endangered Species Act
February 26, 2021

FOER Comments on Initial Study Report: Study Plan Disagreements and Requests for Amendments
November 16, 2020

FOER Comments to FERC on Inadequacies of Cape Horn Dam Fish Ladder
March 7, 2019

FOER Submits Technical Memorandum Re: Geotechnical Concerns at Scott Dam
September 12, 2018

FOER and Conservation Partners Comments on Proposed Study Plans
December 10, 2017
Re: PG&E’s Proposed Study Plans for Potter Valley Project Relicensing

FOER and Conservation Partners Comments on Scoping Document 1
Exhibit 1 & 2 ; Appendix A
August 4, 2017
Re: FERC’s Scoping Document 1 for Potter Valley Project Relicensing

FOER Motion to Intervene; Comments
August 15, 2016
Re: Application for Temporary Variance of Minimum Flow Requirement

FOER Motion to Intervene; Comments
June 2, 2015
Re: Application for Temporary Variance of Minimum Flow Requirement

FOER Motion to Intervene
October 29, 2014
Re: Application for Temporary Variance of Minimum Flow Requirement in East Branch Russian River

FOER Motion to Intervene; Comments
January 15, 2014
Comments on Application for Temporary Variance of License Requirement and December 12, 2013 FERC Order Granting Temporary Variance of Minimum Flow Requirements

FOER Comments to DFW & NMFS
October 26, 2011
Urgent Request for Release of Water to Eel River Pursuant to Reasonable and Prudent Alternative, Biological Opinion for the Potter Valley Project

FOER Comments
March 17 2009
Comments on Draft Environmental Assessment for Application of Amendment of License for Diversion of Water at Lake Pillsbury (Potter Valley Project)