Learning from Forests

Forests play a significant role in the process of moving water throughout the landscape. As we learned from Eli Asarian’s recently published report on streamflow and precipitation trends in the Eel River basin, the age and density of our forests impacts streamflow in a measurable way. Because evapotranspiration is such a large portion of the annual … Read more

Let's Not Allow the Marijuana Industry to Write Its Own Rules

Under a tight March 2016 timeline set by new California laws regulating medical marijuana, Humboldt County is scrambling at last to write locally appropriate rules for commercial cannabis cultivation. Among the most significant problems the new rules must address is protecting watersheds already overloaded by rapidly increasing pot-related impacts. Some commercial growers say they want … Read more

Comments to Senate and House Committees on Energy re: 2015 Energy Bills

Along with a coalition of organizations connected through the Hydropower Reform Coalition we signed on to three different letters addressed to chairs of the Senate and House Committees on Energy and other representatives. The first two letters in July addressed our concerns about the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2015. The third letters in November urged opposition … Read more

The Secret Life of a Raindrop

According to a widely held belief, you can’t squeeze water from a rock. But researchers from UC Berkeley who are trying to better understand where water is stored in nature are challenging that old adage. By Amy Miller November 10, 2015 After nearly ten years of studying a steep, 20-square-mile area near the South Fork Eel … Read more

Comments to Humboldt County Planning Department re: Medical Marijuana Land Use Ordinance

November 4, 2015 Humboldt County Planning & Building Department Attn: Steve Lazar, Senior Planner 3015 H Street Eureka, CA 95501-4484 slazar@co.humboldt.ca.us RE: Medical Marijuana Land Use Ordinance – Phase IV Dear Mr. Lazar, The following comments are offered on behalf of the board, staff, and supporters of Friends of the Eel River. FOER advocates for … Read more

Two New Reports: Lower Snake River Dams Failing to Pay Their Way

The following article was published by Idaho Rivers United. A system of outdated dams and locks on the lower Snake River in eastern Washington state is in continued and serious economic decline, according to two reports released this week by Save Our wild Salmon and Idaho Rivers United. The reports, authored by economist Anthony Jones … Read more

Why Reward our County's Pot Predators?

In recent years, Humboldt County’s marijuana industry grew exponentially in size and destructive impact. Dubbed the “Green Rush,” greed and disregard for the environment prevailed. In an effort to assert local control over the marijuana industry, Humboldt County recently issued a draft Medical Marijuana Land Use Ordinance. As written, however, the draft ordinance would grandfather … Read more