FOER Discusses Great Redwood Trail on Edgewise Radio

   Edgewise Radio host Alicia Littletree Bales is joined by Stephanie Tidwell, Friends of the Eel River Executive Director for a discussion about The Great Redwood Trail Act (SB 1029). This proposed legislation could turn the zombie Northwest Pacific Rail into a...

2018 PRA Documents

As a follow-up to Friends of the Eel River’s May 14 press release, we are providing you with access to the key documents on closed door Eel River dams deliberations that we acquired through Public Records Act requests. Some of the notes were handwritten and...

With Dam Gone, California River Comes Back to Life

Tommy Williams—a fisheries biologist whose enthusiasm bubbles forth so swiftly, he’s often interrupting himself mid-sentence—is pacing on the banks of the Carmel River.  “Amazing,” he says, snapping pictures of newly formed sandbanks and twigs wedged in between white...