You may have seen the news that PG&E released their draft license surrender application on Friday, January 31. This is the latest step in the long process of evaluating the best options for Eel River dam removal. Following the release of this draft, PG&E will...
Have you or someone you known been around Humboldt County since the 1970s? If so, perhaps you can help protect public access to the Van Duzen river and the future Carlotta Spur of the Great Redwood Trail. The Great Redwood Trail Friends coalition is currently...
Background On November 8th Public Works brought a “Resolution to Summarily Vacate a Portion of Fisher Road (4G070) South of State Highway 36 in Hydesville” before the Board of Supervisors. This 0.8-mile section of road is located on one ranch and the property owners...
Background The Two Basin Partnership reported to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) that they will not submit an application to relicense the Potter Valley Project and its two dams on the upper Eel River. Project owner Pacific Gas and Electric withdrew...
The Humboldt County Supervisors will be considering a resolution opposing the storage and handling of coal at their meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, October 5th, 2021. Please join us in supporting their resolution and encouraging them to show support for the Great Redwood...