by Steelhead | Sep 14, 2021 | Action, FOER, News
Hi Friends, Coal interests are moving to seize the North Coast Railroad Authority’s rail line in a scheme to ship coal to Asia out of Humboldt Bay. Such an operation would present profound threats to public health and to North Coast ecosystems, especially Humboldt Bay...
by Steelhead | Sep 11, 2021 | EcoNews Report, FOER
A shadowy shell corporation is threatening our future with an apparent proposal to purchase the Northwestern Pacific rail line, kill the dream of the Great Redwood Trail, and ultimately export coal to Asia from Humboldt Bay. Tune in to hear your friends from...
by Lamprey | Feb 3, 2020 | FOER
Hi Friends, We are so thankful for all the generous support from our end of year fundraising campaign. Support from our community is crucial to continuing our important work protecting the Eel River and its fisheries. Our board and staff started off the new year with...
by Lamprey | May 7, 2019 | FOER
Settlement between North Coast Rail Authority, Friends of the Eel River and Californians for Alternatives to Toxics ends decade-long dispute, upholds bedrock environmental law and advances rail-to-trail project. Marin County, Calif. – The North Coast Rail Authority...
by Lamprey | Dec 11, 2018 | FOER
We are so close we can almost smell the dust on the Great Redwood Trail, but the North Coast Railroad Authority is stuck in the past, fighting for rails over trails. For more than a decade now, FOER has been holding the NCRA’s feet to the fire for its refusal to...