Eel River Cleanup Project and Friends of the Eel River are collaborating on a “Love Your River” cleanup event on Saturday February 17 from 11am – 2pm. Heading north on Redwood Drive from Garberville, park at the first turnout on your left after crossing hwy 101.
**Heavy rain cancels this event – check out our facebook event page before deciding to join**
The two organizations are dedicated to caring for the Eel River, and would appreciate your help cleaning up trash near Bear Creek, a tributary to the South Fork, where there are abandoned campsites at risk of polluting the river. Thanks to Eel River Cleanup Project’s core team of weekly volunteers who have identified these sites and work hard throughout the entire year to keep our watershed clean.
We will provide refreshments, gloves, trash pickers, and upcycled bags. Please wear sturdy shoes and bring all your love for the Eel River! Thanks to Recology for donating the use of a 20 yard dumpster, and to Dazey’s and the North Coast Environmental Center for providing cleanup supplies.
We hope to see you there!