Comments on Draft EIR for Fish Habitat Flows and Water Rights Project

Potter Valley Project Diversion Tunnel

Click here to read our comments on Sonoma County Water Agency’s Fish Habitat Flows and Water Rights Project prepared by Shute, Mihaly, & Weinberger LLP. Learn more about the project here. A summary of our comments: I. The EIR fails to adequately describe the project II. The EIR fails to analyze or mitigate environmental impacts of … Read more

Comments to FERC re: Temporary Variance and “Make up Flows”

PG&E requested a temporary variance to reduce flows into the East Branch Russian River as they performed work on the Potter Valley Project. Sonoma County Water Agency requested, among other things, compensatory flows to “make up” for lost flows during this variance. Friends of the Eel River submitted comments that we agree with the need … Read more