Assessment of Great Redwood Trail Viability Published!

An old wooden rail structure crosses over a winding stream and cuts into a green hill full of trees.

Last month the State published their Assessment of the North Coast Railroad Authority and Viability of the Great Redwood Trail. This hundred-page legislative report was developed by a multi-agency task force including representatives from CalTrans, State Parks, the Natural Resources Agency, Department of Finance, and Department of General Services. This report contains no big surprises, … Read more

In 2020, The Most Important Things Persist

So much has changed in the last year, yet the most important things persist. Our steady focus on fisheries recovery and protecting the Eel River remains, as does our substantial gratitude to you for our ability to continue this important work. For twenty-five years Friends of the Eel River and our dedicated volunteers, staff, donors, and … Read more

FOER Comments on Initial Study Report; Study Plan Disagreements and Requests for Amendments

Friends of the Eel River’s comments to FERC on the Initial Study Report filed by the coalition of five entities known variously as the Two Basin Partners, the Notice of Intent (NOI) group, or the Planning Agreement Group (PAG). Dear Secretary Bose and FERC staff: On behalf of our members, staff, and board, Friends of the … Read more

FOER Virtual Auction Begins November 16th!

Virtual Auction

Join us in celebrating 25 years of victories and preparing for the hard work still ahead by participating in our virtual auction November 16 – December 4. Our staff are honored to continue the legacy of Friends of the Eel River. We play a critical role ensuring dam removal and fish passage restoration to the … Read more