In 2021, We Faced Threats and Opportunities Together

Threats and opportunities often come hand in hand. This has always been clear in the interplay of humans and our environment. And in 2021, it was clearer than ever for the Eel River. With your help, Friends of the Eel River is uniquely positioned to continue our successful record of addressing threats to our watershed … Read more

FOER Letter to DOT Regarding Mendocino Railway RRIF Loan Application

Wednesday, November 17, 2021 The Honorable Carlos Monje Undersecretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, D.C. 20590 Re: Mendocino Railway RRIF loan application Dear Under Secretary Monje, Friends of the Eel River (FOER) advocates for the protection and restoration of Northwestern California’s Eel River watershed and its critical but imperiled fisheries. … Read more

No Coal In Humboldt

By now, news of the impending threat of coal trains coming to town has spread far and wide. Municipalities from Sonoma to Humboldt have passed resolutions opposing the storage, transportation, and/or export of coal through their communities. Senator Mike McGuire introduced legislation, SB 307, to help stop the proposal by prohibiting state funding to improve … Read more