Coal Trains Inch Forward with Surface Transportation Board Decision

Two weeks ago, the federal Surface Transportation Board made some important decisions about the future of trails in our region. Tune in to hear about the latest developments including what’s in store for the Annie and Mary Trail and what comes next in determining the future for the Great Redwood Trail. Will it be a … Read more

Sifting Through the Studies: Scott Dam Removal

When dams are removed, a variety of experts from engineers to hydrologists and biologists develop plans to minimize negative impacts on aquatic life. When PG&E’s license for the Potter Valley Project on the Eel River expired last month, that began the decommissioning process which will ultimately lead to dam removal. Many studies have already been … Read more

KMUD The Environment Show – Exciting Times Fighting for the Eel River

KMUD: The Environment Show May 3, 2022 Every Tuesday at 7 PM Host: Tom Wheeler of EPIC Guests: Alicia Hamann, Executive Director of Friends of the Eel River and Redgie Collins, Legal & Policy Director at CalTrout. In this segment of The Environment Show, Tom gets current with efforts to remove dams in the Eel … Read more