Tune into the EcoNews Report for big news about Eel River dam removal – PG&E is finally taking dam safety seriously! On March 16 the company announced big changes to how they will manage Scott Dam and Lake Pillsbury reservoir, based on an updated evaluation of seismic stability and dam safety. Dam removal advocates at Friends of the Eel River have been ringing alarm bells about dam safety for years and are hopeful about what this could mean for expediting the dam removal process.
action action alert California cannabis cannabis cultivation Cape Horn Dam CEQA Chinook climate change comments dam removal dam safety diversion drought EcoNews EcoNews Report Eel River Eel River Canyon Eel River Dams Endangered Species Endangered Species Act FERC Great Redwood Trail groundwater Humboldt County Hydropower Klamath river land use low flows NCRA North Coast Railroad Authority Oroville Dam PG&E Potter Valley Project radio regulation Russian River salmon Scott dam sediment steelhead video water diversion water quality water rights