Rep. Jared Huffman on How the North Coast’s Wild Lands are Faring in D.C.

Congressman Jared Huffman joins Gang Green to talk about this legislative session. Top of his mind, as always, is his public lands bill — the “Northwest California Wilderness, Recreation, and Working Forests Act” — which packs together new Wilderness designations with fuel breaks, trespass cannabis clean up, new trails and visitor centers and more. Sen. … Read more

Working today for a better tomorrow

Dear Friend, Restoring fish access to the Eel River’s headwaters by removing the Potter Valley Project dams. Protecting the rare and spectacular summer steelhead. Safeguarding public trust values. Adapting to climate change and sea level rise. At Friends of the Eel River, we are working on some huge tasks these days, and are honored to … Read more

Is Your Fish Safe to Eat?

Mercury is a potent neurotoxin, particularly harmful to young children and developing fetuses. Mercury is commonly present in fish, but in wildly different concentrations based on the life history of the species. What local fish species are safe to eat and at what amounts? Humboldt Baykeeper is there to help. With the help of fisheries … Read more

FOER proclaims victory for Northern California summer steelhead

For immediate release: Thursday, June 17, 2021 Alicia Hamann, Executive Director, alicia(at),  Scott Greacen, Conservation Director, scott(at) Northern California summer steelhead listed as Endangered under the California Endangered Species Act On Wednesday, June 16, the California Fish and Game Commission voted unanimously to list summer steelhead in four North Coast watersheds — the Eel, Mad, … Read more

Low Flows in the Eel River Require Action to Protect Public Trust Values

Flows in the mainstem Eel River are at historically low levels. In fact flows are lower now than they were in 2014 when the river disconnected in the fall and left migrating Chinook suffering from elevated levels of disease. This is why we asked the Humboldt County Supervisors this week to take immediate action and … Read more

Take action to help us protect Northern California summer steelhead and Klamath Spring chinook!

At its June 16, 2021 meeting, the California Fish and Game Commission will decide whether to protect Klamath Spring Chinook salmon and Northern California summer steelhead under the California Endangered Species Act.  Spring Chinook and summer steelhead return to freshwater much earlier than their fall-run Chinook and winter-run steelhead counterparts. These unique life histories allow … Read more

FOER Comments to FERC on PG&E’s latest Flow Variance Request

For the seventh time over the past nine years, PG&E is requesting yet another flow variance at the Potter Valley Project due to limited water availability. As the utility explained to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), PG&E is cutting diversions to Potter Valley and the East Branch Russian River to roughly half those normally … Read more