Say NO to Coal!

Hi Friends,

Coal interests are moving to seize the North Coast Railroad Authority’s rail line in a scheme to ship coal to Asia out of Humboldt Bay. Such an operation would present profound threats to public health and to North Coast ecosystems, especially Humboldt Bay and the Eel River. Nor can the Earth’s atmosphere absorb the carbon from burning that coal without further catastrophic impacts, from the drought and wildfires we see around us to the sea level rise that will soon drown what remains of the rail line.

Friends of the Eel River, Humboldt Baykeeper, Environmental Protection Information Center: EPIC, the Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities, Northcoast Environmental Center, and the Humboldt Trails Council will do everything in our power to prevent the nightmare of a coal train from coming true.

Please join us in demanding our local, state, and national representatives use every possible means to stop the coal train. Please act immediately to speak out. This is our chance to act locally and have a global impact.

Click here to take action! 

  • Tell the Humboldt Bay Harbor District to protect Humboldt Bay by passing an ordinance to prohibit or impede coal export facilities within their jurisdiction.

Suggested Reading:

Aiming to Ship Coal Out of Humboldt Bay, Shadowy Corporation Makes Bid to Take Over NCRA Line Lost Coast Outpost, Sept. 2.
North Coast lawmakers gearing up to battle coal export proposal tied to Humboldt Santa Rosa Press Democrat, Sept. 3.
Is coal industry behind secretive plan to preserve a defunct California railroad? Salt Lake Tribune, Sept. 9.