Action Alert: Protect Public Access to Fisher Road


Fisher Road has been used by the fishing community for nearly 100 years to access the Van Duzen River, a major tributary to the Eel. Last fall the southernmost property owners on the road asked Humboldt County to “vacate” the road, aka remove public access. Luckily we were able to put the brakes on County staff’s proposal to remove the road from the public domain. But now, the property owners have erected a fence and blocked access to the river.

Take Action

Let the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors know you support preserving public access to the Van Duzen River and future Great Redwood Trail. Comment in person or virtually on May 16.

In person – Attend the Board of Supervisors meeting on May 16, located at 825 Fifth Street in Eureka, first floor in the Supervisors’ Chamber. The meeting starts at 9 AM.

Virtually – Zoom Public Comment:
The agenda will be posted prior to the meeting and can be found here. When the Board of Supervisors announce the agenda item that you wish to comment on, call the conference line 720 707 2699, enter Meeting ID 882 9599 2166, and press star (*) 9 on your phone, this will raise your hand. You’ll continue to hear the Board meeting on the call. Please remember to turn off your TV or live stream to avoid delays.

When it is time for public comment on the item you wish to speak on, you’ll hear a prompt that will indicate your phone is unmuted. Please state your name and the agenda item number you will be commenting on. You will have 3 minutes to comment.

You may access the live stream of the meeting by using the following link:

Click here to download and personalize our sample letter and send it to the Board of Supervisors. Letters sent by the end of the day on May 10 will be included in the board packet. Letters sent later than May 10 will still be added to the public record.

NOTE: Here are some ideas to personalize your letter.

      • Mention if you use the road now
      • Mention if you live in Supervisor District # 2
      • Mention if you have used the road in the past to access the river bar and for what purpose (fishing, birding, swimming)
      • Let them know if you are a walker, bicyclist, equestrian, etc. who want access down this road
      • Let them know if you support the development of a trail on the Carlotta Branch of the Great Redwood Trail
      • If you sent a letter to the 12/20 board meeting (canceled due to earthquake), reference your letter.

    DRAFT LETTER to Board Members

    Please personalize your letter.

    Your name
    St or PO address
    City, State, Zip


    Humboldt County Board of Supervisors
    825 5th Street
    Eureka, CA 95501

    TO: Board members of the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors
    Email:,,,, Clerk of the Board via email,

    RE: River Access – Van Duzen River via Fisher Road

    Dear Chair Madrone and Supervisors,

    I support preserving public access to the Van Duzen River and future Great Redwood Trail at Fisher Road.

    On April 18th the Humboldt County Fish and Game Commission voted to send a letter to your board noting their concern about recent attempts to vacate the southern portion of Fisher Road. The Commission also recommends that the County preserve public access to the Van Duzen River, a navigable waterway designated as Wild and Scenic.

    Historical use of this public road to access the river dates back to at least the 1930s. Because the Van Duzen River is a navigable waterway, the public has the right to use the river and the river bed up to the high-water mark for navigational, fishing, recreational, and other purposes.

    Please follow the recommendation of the County’s Fish and Game Commission and continue to protect the public domain.

    Thank you for your consideration,

    (your name)

Read our coalition letter to County Supervisors