FERC Urgently Needs to Approve PG&E’s Flow Variance Request

Why F.E.R.C. urgently needs to approve P.G. and E's flow variance request.

As many of you are likely now familiar, PG&E is unable to meet the flow schedule for the Potter Valley Project as outlined in their amended license from 2004. This flow schedule is unobtainable in most years due to a variety of factors including strategies employed to reduce dam safety risk, and changes in climate … Read more

Scoping Comments on the Great Redwood Trail PEIR

Abandoned rail cars on the shore of the river.

  Whenever a state agency begins a new development project, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires agencies to evaluate and disclose to the public the potential environmental impacts of the proposed project. This evaluation of impacts usually comes in the form of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). These reports are an important part of … Read more

Sifting Through the Studies: Eel River Dams and Fish Passage

The Eel River once flowed unobstructed from its headwaters in Mendocino County to the Pacific Ocean, supporting the third largest salmon and steelhead runs in California. Over a million fish historically spawned each year within the Eel River watershed (Source: Yoshiyama & Moyle, 2010). All that has changed over the past century, with the effects … Read more

Friends of the Eel River Notifies Humboldt County of Intent to Sue

Image of lower Eel River looking upstream. Blue sky contrasts the brown and green algae on the banks of the Eel River. The broad, shallow riffles on the left side of the photo as the river flows through a narrow pinchpoint (a point bar) and deepens near the center of the photo. Trees and mountains line the background.

Friends of the Eel River Notifies Humboldt County of Intent to Sue Conservation group demands Humboldt County protect fisheries and other public trust values in the lower Eel River Friends of the Eel River, a Eureka-based citizens’ group dedicated to protecting and restoring Eel River fisheries, has sent a formal letter to Humboldt County demanding … Read more

Letters: Salmon, not grapes, are at risk

Letter to the Editor: The Ukiah Daily Journal April 2, 2022 To the Editor – The Eel River’s embattled salmon and steelhead may have no better enemy than Guinness McFadden. In his March 25 letter to the Ukiah Daily Journal, the Potter Valley wine grape grower kicks up a fuss about Representative Jared Huffman’s efforts … Read more

What’s Next for Eel River Dams?

In this week’s edition of the EcoNews Report, Friends of the Eel River discuss developments in the thrilling drama of Eel River dam removal. It’s a story of injustice and opportunity— a 100-year-old water diversion that takes from one watershed to give to another, and the chance to correct the harms by returning salmon and … Read more

Support for Cutting the Green Tape Grant Proposal

December 9, 2021 Re: Support for Cutting the Green Tape Grant Proposal To Whom It May Concern: Friends of the Eel River supports the Cutting the Green Tape grant proposal by California Trout, the University of California Berkeley, and the Wiyot Tribe to evaluate and test a fish weir in the South Fork Eel River. … Read more

Support for Proposed Marshall Ranch Streamflow Enhancement Project

December 8, 2021 Humboldt County Planning Department 3015 H Street Eureka, CA 95501 Submitted via email to planningclerk@co.humboldt.ca.us Re: Friends of the Eel River Support for Proposed Marshall Ranch Streamflow Enhancement Project Dear Planning Commissioners, Friends of the Eel River advocates for the protection and recovery of native fisheries in the Eel River watershed. Redwood … Read more

Humboldt County Board of Supervisors approves Cannabis Mitigation and Remediation Program

Cannabis growing in Humboldt County

For immediate release Tuesday, August 17, 2021 For more information: Alicia Hamann, Executive Director, alicia(at)eelriver.org Grant Funds Now Available through Humboldt County Cannabis Mitigation Program Friends of the Eel River (FOER) are pleased the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors has approved the Cannabis Mitigation and Remediation Grant Program. This program to fund sediment reduction projects … Read more

FOER Challenges FERC for Violation of the Endangered Species Act

On Feb 26, 2021 Friends of the Eel River filed documents with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) challenging a Commission order of Jan 28, 2021 for violations of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) at Cape Horn Dam, a component of PG&E’s Potter Valley Project. FERC’s order approved a Winter Operations Plan for a newly installed … Read more