Defending, Restoring, and Enjoying the Eel River

Eel River Estuary

Keep those Great Redwood Trail Act calls to Brown’s office coming! As previously reported, Senator Mike McGuire’s Great Redwood Trail Act (SB 1029) will dissolve the NCRA and prioritize non-motorized trail development along the old rail right of way with the creation of the Great Redwood Trail Authority. (More details here). SB 1029 sailed through … Read more

Here's How Hundreds of People Are Working to Fix the Eel River Delta

The Eel was once one of the largest salmon-producing rivers in the state, and much of the delta’s river system was deep enough to host hundred-ton shipping vessels carrying goods from San Francisco and beyond. A hundred and fifty years ago, the delta’s river system would drain naturally with the rains and tides. But in … Read more