“Rivers carry more than just water – they also carry sediment which is very important to a river’s function and its ability to naturally regulate itself from diseases.”
Coho spawning in the Salmon River
Friends of the Eel River’s Conservation Director Scott Greacen discusses the Yurok and Hoopa Tribes’ recent US district court win with the Yurok Tribe’s senior water policy analyst Mike Belchik.
Upper basin irrigators asked the court to alter the injunctions it had put in place in February of 2017, which require the Bureau of Reclamation to provide two types of releases to reduce disease incidence in juvenile salmon. This year, the irrigators argued that new information about fish disease rates meant the flows would not be necessary. The federal agencies meanwhile said they couldn’t meet the flows because there’s not enough water.
Click here to read more about the case in the Eureka Times-Standard.