Fall Member Letter

November 2103  Dear Friends of the Eel River, We’ve come around again to the end of the year. It’s a good time to take stock and look forward. I offer a few thoughts about what lies ahead, in faith you’ll support our work. The Eel River is poised on a tipping point....

Tunnel Vision Part Two: Rivers in Peril

How Jerry Brown’s plan to build two giant water tunnels, along with legislation in Congress, could ultimately spoil the last of Northern California’s wild and scenic rivers. …the big water prize in California is the major rivers on the North Coast...

Tunnel Vision Part One: Delta in Peril

How Jerry Brown’s plan to build two giant water tunnels could devastate the largest estuary on the West Coast. Nearly everyone in California drinks freshwater from distant rivers or streams. The East Bay taps the Mokelumne River in the Sierra foothills; San...