by Lamprey | Jul 20, 2018 | Land Use, News
“When we’re talking about the watershed impacts the impacts on fisheries and fish habitat and things that need our rivers and streams, the biggest overall by far is sediment production” Friends of the Eel River’s Conservation Director...
by Lamprey | Jun 20, 2018 | FOER
With such grim news coming from the national and international political and climate fronts these days, it can be difficult to appreciate the progress we are making. Here at Friends of the Eel River, we’re heartbroken and outraged by the atrocities currently being...
by Lamprey | Jun 6, 2018 | Action, FOER, Land Use
PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release: June 6, 2018 For More Information: Scott Greacen, Conservation Director, Friends of the Eel River: 707-798-6345 FRIENDS OF THE EEL RIVER DEMANDS TOUGHER CANNABIS REGULATIONS Inadequate Cannabis Ordinance Threatens...