Comments on PG&E’s Flow Variance Request

Restorative Vision for the Upper Eel River

The Potter Valley Project, which blocks access to pristine, cold water spawning habitat for Eel River salmonids, is no longer a functioning hydroelectric project. PG&E has announced plans to remove both Scott and Cape Horn dams as soon as possible. Until Scott Dam is removed, management of the Potter Valley Project must focus primarily on … Read more

Volunteers Needed for Earth Weekend Cleanup on April 20

Eel River Cleanup Project and Friends of the Eel River are collaborating on a cleanup event on Saturday April 20 from 11am – 2pm. Heading north on Redwood Drive from Garberville, park at the first turnout on your left after crossing HWY 101.   Check out our Facebook event page for event updates.   Our … Read more

How Do Fish Get Counted, and Why Does Genetic Diversity Matter? EcoNews Report #225

Two scientists sampling fish at night. The Eco News Report airs Saturdays at 10 A.M. on K. HUM 104.7 or on your podcast app. Brought to you by the North coast Environmental Center, the Environmental Protection Information Center, Humboldt Waterkeeper, and Friends of the Eel River.

  This week on the EcoNews Report we discuss how fish are monitored and counted. Our host Alicia Hamann from Friends of the Eel River is joined by Dave Kajtaniak from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and Samantha Kannry from TRIB Research. Tune in to learn about the hopeful returns salmon returns on … Read more

KMUD Environment Show: Dam Removal, Groundwater, and the Great Redwood Trail

An old railroad track stretching dangerously over open air along a hillside. The KMUD Redwood Community Radio logo is featured next to the text, "Tom Wheeler and Alicia Hamann talk dam removal, groundwater, and the Great Redwood Trail."

Tune into this recording from the KMUD Environment Show hosted by Tom Wheeler to hear our Executive Director Alicia Hamann discuss our most pressing initiatives at Friends of the Eel River: dam removal on the Eel River, protecting the public’s interest in groundwater, and planning for the Great Redwood Trail. This show aired live on … Read more

Letter to the Great Redwood Trail Board in Support of Indigenous Communities

March 26, 2024 Dear Chair Hart and Board Members, Friends of the Eel River (FOER) and allied organizations support the Great Redwood Trail and have a deep and long- standing interest in remediating the environmental mayhem left by the Northwestern Pacific Railroad. As you may remember, federal regulators closed the rail line in 1998. FOER … Read more

Update on Public Trust Groundwater Lawsuit

Disconnected surface flows showing brown, bare patches of land in between water.

In the fall of 2022 Friends of the Eel River filed suit against Humboldt County for failing to protect the public trust values of the Lower Eel River by managing groundwater use during critically dry years. The public trust doctrine is an ancient legal principle establishing that certain natural and cultural resources should be preserved … Read more

Meet Our New Staff

Friends of the Eel River staff member standing in a river bed leaning down to pet his dog.

We are excited to introduce our supporters to our new Administrative Manager Kanan Beissert! Kanan is a recent graduate of the Environmental Sciences program at Cal Poly Humboldt and is an excellent communicator. With experience in interpretation, outdoor education, and marketing, Kanan has the skills to translate the complexities of our work without losing important details. We … Read more

Volunteers Needed for “Love Your River” Cleanup on February 17

Eel River Cleanup Project and Friends of the Eel River are collaborating on a “Love Your River” cleanup event on Saturday February 17 from 11am – 2pm. Heading north on Redwood Drive from Garberville, park at the first turnout on your left after crossing hwy 101. **Heavy rain cancels this event – check out our … Read more

Declining Access to Public Spaces

River access at Fisher Road is currently blocked

 On this week’s episode of the EcoNews Report, host Alicia Hamann from Friends of the Eel River is joined by long-time Eureka resident and fisherman Steve Rosenberg and Humboldt Trails Council’s Advisory Chair Karen Underwood. Alicia and her guests reflect on the history of losing public access to rivers and wild spaces, and discuss modern efforts underway to protect … Read more