FOER Comments on Humboldt Wind Energy Project DEIR

June 14, 2019 Humboldt Wind Project Planner County of Humboldt Planning and Building Department, Planning Division 3015 H Street Eureka, CA 95501 RE: Humboldt Wind Energy Project Dear Planners: Please accept these DEIR comments on the...

Comment on Humboldt Wind Energy Project DEIR by June 14th

The energy company Terra-Gen (DBA Humboldt Wind LLC) is proposing a wind energy development on Bear and Monument ridges in the Eel River watershed near the towns of Scotia and Rio Dell. The Humboldt Wind Energy Project would include approximately 60 600 foot tall...

Why Solar Panels Bloom in Southwest’s Land of Hydropower

It didn’t really matter that Kyle Donohue hadn’t built an array of solar power panels before: Lincoln County wasn’t getting the same amount of electricity from the Hoover Dam as it used to. The lake behind the dam had dropped amid a historic drought, pushing up power...