Defending a Future for the Eel River

Thank you for being a champion for the Eel River watershed. The staff and board of Friends of the Eel River are truly grateful for being able to count on you as a partner in our efforts to protect and recover our beautiful watershed. As we near the end of this...

FOER Discusses Great Redwood Trail on Edgewise Radio

   Edgewise Radio host Alicia Littletree Bales is joined by Stephanie Tidwell, Friends of the Eel River Executive Director for a discussion about The Great Redwood Trail Act (SB 1029). This proposed legislation could turn the zombie Northwest Pacific Rail into a...

North Coast County Supervisors Plotting Eel River Water Grab?

This post has been updated to include a link to handwritten meeting notes. See below. $ECRET $CHEME$ North Coast County Supervisors Plotting Russian River Water Grab Eel River Salmon and Steelhead To Take the Hit Friends of the Eel River has obtained notes using the...