Is PG&E Concealing Dam Safety Liabilities?

Friends of the Eel River has been evaluating the safety and reliability of Scott Dam for several years now. We continue to have serious concerns about structural integrity and seismic stability, as well as PG&E’s failure to evaluate and disclose such liabilities. Please read our letter below to key elected officials, an attempt to draw … Read more

Ask Governor Newsom to Hold PG&E Accountable

In response to preventable disasters like the 2010 San Bruno pipeline explosion, Pacific Gas and Electric has insisted that they are committed to high safety standards. It’s now a decade, and several other disasters, later and the company has yet to prove that they are following through on their promise to “…remain forever committed to … Read more

Some Clarity At Last – PG&E Ends Dam Relicensing, Sale

We have great news for the Eel River and its fisheries. Days before entering bankruptcy, utility giant PG&E withdrew its application to relicense the Potter Valley Project and ended its attempt to sell the project, which includes two dams on the upper mainstem Eel River. Friends of the Eel River has been working for decades … Read more

Friends of the Eel River Ask State, Feds to Protect Northern California Summer Steelhead

Friends of the Eel River submitted both federal ESA and CESA petitions to list Northern California Summer Steelhead as an Endangered Distinct Population Segment. Read our press release here. Both petitions are largely based on a combination of the extensive 2017 report by Moyle et al on the status of California salmonids, State of the … Read more

New Earthquake Hazards App Shows Fault Line at Scott Dam Location

Bartlett Springs fault runs right through the middle of Lake Pillsbury Reservoir.

A new app from the California Department of Conservation called EQ Zapp identifies earthquake hazard zones based on several types of geologic ground failures. These include fault ruptures, liquefaction of the soil, and earthquake induced landslides. The EQ Zapp shows a startling picture of Lake Pillsbury reservoir with Bartlett Springs fault running right through it. … Read more

FOER and Allies Submit Comments to FERC on Scoping Document 1 & Study Plan Proposals

Friends of the Eel River and our conservation group partners submitted comments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on their Scoping Document 1 for the relicensing of Potter Valley Project. You can read our full comments or any specific section below. Conservation group partners: American Whitewater, California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, California Trout, Friends of the … Read more

Close to Home: Potter Valley relicensing presents opportunity for more creative thinking

In the Mendocino National Forest, the Potter Valley Project is an audacious example of creative engineering. The project, which is owned by PG&E, stores winter runoff from the upper reaches of the Eel River and diverts the water into the Russian River, where it is used to support people, farming and wineries in Mendocino and … Read more