Salt River Ecosystem Restoration Project – Phase One Completed!

In mid-October 2013 three coffer dams were removed from the Salt River creating a new 300-acre tidal marsh area. The Salt River channel will benefit as the new tidal marsh area maintains the river’s width and depth, enhancing habitat and migratory conditions for Coho Salmon, Chinook Salmon, Steelhead Trout, and Coastal Cutthroat Trout.   Humboldt … Read more

NOAA Fisheries Announces Funding for Habitat Restoration; Benbow Dam to be Removed

Benbow Dam ($205,500): This project, in partnership with the California Department of Parks and Recreation, will ultimately open more than 100 miles of the South Fork Eel River for fish passage when completed. Removal of the Benbow Dam will benefit threatened populations of coho and Chinook salmon and steelhead. Read the full article here

Illegal Pumping Leads to Marijuana Bust – But Is It Too Late for the Fish?

…what often occurs is that as one pool is drained, the intake and sometimes the pump is moved to another pool—repeatedly sucking away entire fish habitats. As the water disappears, predators move in. Egrets, blue herons and raccoons will eat every single fish. Sometimes the person pumping doesn’t adequately screen the intake valve and small creatures … Read more

Subdividing Humboldt

How Bob McKee remade SoHum and bought himself a decade-long lawsuit. For many people in the county, he’s an embattled hero who cares about community and land, and who gave fleeing city dwellers a chance to live their pastoral dreams. To others, he’s a serial subdivider out for personal gain who helped create a culture … Read more

Marijuana Crops in California Threaten Forests and Wildlife

…The environmental damage may not be as extensive as that caused by the 19th-century diking of the Humboldt estuary here, or 20th-century clear-cut logging, but the romantic outlaw drug has become a destructive juggernaut, experts agree. Read the full article published in the New York Times By: Felicity Barringer Published: Thursday, June 20 2013  

Tunnel Vision Part One: Delta in Peril

How Jerry Brown’s plan to build two giant water tunnels could devastate the largest estuary on the West Coast. Nearly everyone in California drinks freshwater from distant rivers or streams. The East Bay taps the Mokelumne River in the Sierra foothills; San Francisco pumps its water out of the Tuolumne River in Yosemite National Park; … Read more

Comments to DFW & NMFS re: Urgent Request for Release of Water to Eel River

SHUTE  MIHALY & WEINBERGER LLP 396 HAYES STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102 T: 415 55 2-7272    F: 415 55 2-5816 www.smwl AMY J. BRICKER Attorney   October 26, 2011 Via U.S. Mail and Electronic Mail Chuck Bonham, Director California Department of Fish and Game 1416 Ninth Street, 12th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 via email … Read more

Comments to FERC re: Amendment of License for Diversion

March 17 2009 Hon. Kimberly D. Bose Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20426 Re: Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project No. 77-212: Comments on Draft Environmental Assessment for Application of Amendment of License for Diversion of Water at Lake Pillsbury (Potter Valley Project) Dear Secretary Bose: Friends of the Eel River … Read more