Low Flows in the Eel River Require Action to Protect Public Trust Values

Flows in the mainstem Eel River are at historically low levels. In fact flows are lower now than they were in 2014 when the river disconnected in the fall and left migrating Chinook suffering from elevated levels of disease. This is why we asked the Humboldt County Supervisors this week to take immediate action and … Read more

Reflections on 2019 and Looking Forward

FOER Board and Staff 2020

Hi Friends, We are so thankful for all the generous support from our end of year fundraising campaign. Support from our community is crucial to continuing our important work protecting the Eel River and its fisheries. Our board and staff started off the new year with an exciting strategic planning session down in Willits along … Read more

Friends of the Eel River, Humboldt County Agree to Road Fixes to Protect Fisheries and Restore Watersheds

(Eureka, CA) Friends of the Eel River and the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors have reached a legal settlement to fund culvert replacements and road repairs in two Southern Humboldt watersheds critical to salmon and steelhead through 2023. The agreement ends a lawsuit brought by Friends of the Eel River. The environmental group has argued … Read more

Comment on Humboldt Wind Energy Project DEIR by June 14th

The energy company Terra-Gen (DBA Humboldt Wind LLC) is proposing a wind energy development on Bear and Monument ridges in the Eel River watershed near the towns of Scotia and Rio Dell. The Humboldt Wind Energy Project would include approximately 60 600 foot tall towers, 17 miles of new road, support facilities, and a 30+ … Read more

FOER Comments on Humboldt Wind Energy Project Notice of Preparation

Cliff Johnson, Senior Planner County of Humboldt Planning & Building Department 3015 H Street Eureka, CA 95501 RE: Humboldt Wind Energy Project NOP for DEIR Dear Mr. Johnson: Please accept these scoping comments on the Humboldt Wind Energy Project from Friends of the Eel River (FOER). While FOER is supportive of the development of clean, … Read more

FOER Discusses Humboldt County Lawsuit on Jefferson Exchange

Cannabis growing in Humboldt County

“When we’re talking about the watershed impacts the impacts on fisheries and fish habitat and things that need our rivers and streams, the biggest overall by far is sediment production”   Friends of the Eel River’s Conservation Director Scott Greacen joins Jefferson Exchange’s Geoffrey Riley for a discussion of FOER’s lawsuit against Humboldt County over … Read more

Inspiration and Hope Amidst Troubling Times

With such grim news coming from the national and international political and climate fronts these days, it can be difficult to appreciate the progress we are making. Here at Friends of the Eel River, we’re heartbroken and outraged by the atrocities currently being committed in America’s name, but we’re also damn proud of the work … Read more

Local Government Transparency a Big Problem

“The key piece of this whole scheme, is that you get out from under the requirement to provide fish passage over Scott dam” Tom Wheeler, Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Information Center, hosts a discussion with Friends of the Eel River Conservation Director Scott Greacen about Humboldt County’s position on the Eel River dams … Read more

FOER Comments on Hum Co Cannabis Ordinance Final EIR

Wednesday, March 28 2018 Humboldt County Board of Supervisors via email to SLazar@co.humboldt.ca.us Re: Commercial Cannabis Land Use Ordinance and FEIR Dear Supervisors; Friends of the Eel River (“FOER”) submits the following comments to supplement our previous comments, particularly with respect to County staff’s proposed alternatives regarding “watershed caps” and restrictions on permitting new commercial … Read more