FOER Discusses Great Redwood Trail on Edgewise Radio

   Edgewise Radio host Alicia Littletree Bales is joined by Stephanie Tidwell, Friends of the Eel River Executive Director for a discussion about The Great Redwood Trail Act (SB 1029). This proposed legislation could turn the zombie Northwest Pacific Rail into a...

Defending, Restoring, and Enjoying the Eel River

Keep those Great Redwood Trail Act calls to Brown’s office coming! As previously reported, Senator Mike McGuire’s Great Redwood Trail Act (SB 1029) will dissolve the NCRA and prioritize non-motorized trail development along the old rail right of way with the creation...

Inspiration and Hope Amidst Troubling Times

With such grim news coming from the national and international political and climate fronts these days, it can be difficult to appreciate the progress we are making. Here at Friends of the Eel River, we’re heartbroken and outraged by the atrocities currently being...

Support for Great Redwood Trail Act, SB 1029

  May 10th, 2018 California Senators and Assembly Members State Capitol Sacramento, California Re: SB 1029 Great Redwood Trail Act — Support Dear California Legislators: As representatives of the California conservation and sustainable recreation communities, we...